Antarctica: archive of a continent
Hara Kariofyli, Irene Koliou
Antarctica: archive of a continent
Hara Kariofyli, Irene Koliou

This spatial narrative incorporates theoretical framework and representation tools in order to create a parallel story that critically approaches the history of Antarctica. Based on LeGuin's short story «Sur», a feminist critique of the heroic nationalistic imaginary, a parallel story unfolds, from the «heroic age of the Antarctic exploration» to the ominous near future. Exploration stories, territorial claims, research missions, female astronauts, shipwrecks and satellites are gathered and assembled to construct a new narrative - buried in the Antarctic ice. A totem, constructed by reassembling fragments and/of history of the Antarctic, is designed with the use of both digital and analogue media. Those techniques reinforce the transition from the old to the contemporary, creating the atmosphere and the miscellaneous events of each era.

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