AuckLAND proposes a three-sided billboard on a small chunk of dirt parallel to the city's Harbour Bridge, A.K.A Watchman Island. The work depicts various perspectives on Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand, lying between serious, satirical and sardonic. The typography is hijacked from the book cover typography of Auckland, their Auckland (1983) and Way of the JAFA: The Guide to Surviving Auckland (2004) (JAFA is an acronym used by rural folk to describe Auckland citizens as "Just Another Fucking Aucklander"), as well as a prolific image of a 1977-78 Māori Land protest banner at Bastion Point. The billboard (like most) begs to be vandalised, most likely by the infamous graffiti artist: Porker, the city's most prevalent outlawed artist... likely turning "Auckland" to "Porkland". This collage-rendered image encapsulates the author's current Master of Architecture thesis, which interrogates architecture research that encounters politics, humour and identities unique to Aotearoa, New Zealand; in this instance, AuckLAND is a provocative polemic paper project proposed to occupy the main cities Waitematā Harbour, to confront motorists, residents and boaties alike.