2nd winner of the "Tunnel Evangelion" International Ideas Competition, launched by Reuse Italy and Dropcity for the reuse of the Magazzini Raccordati, Milan Central Station.
"We imaged 2040 Milano. Temperatures increased significantly. Marrakech is not that far anymore. We imaged a possible scenario where we were allowed to seal the TUNNELS. Cars are gone. Even the electrical. They stayed for a while. Nature can grow. Water, musk, lichens. A micro-climate, a micro-environment for human safety.
The whole area of Magazzini Raccordati became a safe/sealed/secure venue, a place where citizens are encouraged to spend part of their week to release their lungs and brain. A protected environment where youngsters can spend their afternoons playing together and doing their homeworks. A location where sport can be celebrated. A place where one can experience different oxygen conditions, forgetting for half a day the outer space dominated by N20 extreme levels."